Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I've been thinking, today, about settings. But not beautiful or meaningful ones, just ones of solitude or emptiness. Places like an abandoned street, an empty classroom, at night, filled with empty desks, or a store before it opens. These places make us feel so vulnerable without the protection of familiar noises and body heat.

Emptiness leaves a person in a hollow space feeling transparent, as though they can be seen for miles -- and be seen through. Like being on a cold, abandoned street corner where strangers peer through their windows at you, without your knowledge. There you are just shivering, being watched.

Or being in a classroom, flooded with your mistakes and embarrassments from that day, still fresh and painful. Looking at the desk of the mean girl -- who you know will be mean in this small town, forever. Feeling proud that you worked harder and stayed later than anyone. Disillusioned. Not yet knowing that no matter how hard you work some people are just meant to do better, and some (like you) will never be the best.

Now you're an adult, with the confusing days of walking down the street to see your friend and sitting in hard desks are behind you. Now, you're alone. In a store. In silence. Not entirely void of contact, the other associates are working silently just out of your eyesight, but you are alone non-the-less. In silence, you daydream about going back school and about all the false starts which lead to where you are now. At a work place where you humbly count your nickels, in the cold, breath frosting in front of your face as you purchase a diet Sunkist (oh the irony of "sun" in your dim life) from the noisy and embarrassing machine outside.

This is an empty listless setting. Life.

Friday, August 2, 2013

He Plays Nintendo in a Band

Bit Brigade (as in 32 bit resolution) plays punk rock set to a Nintendo Mega Man vs. Dr. Wiley game. One band member  plays the game while the others musically narrate the actions of Mega Man. They play with such accuracy that when a character dies they literally play M Man's dying sound effects and when he goes into one on one combat the drummer introduces a more epic and combative tone. For those of us who listen to metal while we play video games this band is the fruition of our imaginations.

Birmingham 7

The members met at University of Alabama and consist of a teacher and two "favorite students" and "some (4) friends who wanted to start a band". This is jazz music for people who like to dance, consisting of steady tempos and well placed jazz guitar familiarity.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Miranda Lambert & Kacey Musgrave

       Miranda Lambert's new song "This ain't your momma's broken heart" is a breakup song about a woman who, "numbed the pain at the expense of my liver". Kacey Musgrave's song "Merry-Go-Round" is about poor relationships among families as well as crumbling romantic partnerships. Both songs are rebellions against social institutions, which demand women to join into matrimonial unions then die happy. Miranda and Kacey are expressing feminist opposition to marriage.

          The first time I heard both songs I immediately turned up the volume and gave their lyrics my full attention. Basically, what you're getting from these songs is women behaving any way they like because no one is a perfect mate; so don't try to be perfect, be passionate! In Kacey's case, she didn't follow social structure; she looked for love outside of her backyard AND she is not married. The lyrics, "Daddy's hooked on Mary 2 doors down" are her complaint against marriage. Kacey is pleading for passion and love, instead of marrying a person because, "first try's good enough". Miranda isn't going to get married because she can't get out of her cycle of date, mate, break, then drink.

         Love and marriage aren't matters of convenience or upholding social institutions. They're about passion! Be franticly mad after your breakup! Be in love with your mate!

         Finally! Pop songs that are about deep, irrational theories on love. No more subtleties or weeping loses; instead, these songs have visceral reactions! Miranda is passionately drinking and screaming while Kacey is mobilizing her search for happiness.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lana Del Rey, Paloma Faith, a Bridget Bardot

Lana Del Rey looks like Bridget Bardot and Paloma Faith looks like Lana Del Rey, therefore according to the theory of relativity, Lana and Paloma hi-jacked Bridget's style.
Lana must love waking up everyday looking like an international heartthrob! But, I can't support her snagging the style of an icon, maybe she could just invoke the '60's beauty occasionally. Paloma is beautiful and talented in her own right! No need to constantly mimic the "retro-revival" trend!

I completely support and adore all of my fellow Glam-Rock goddesses, who choose to reminisce about the glamorous '60's! I love the original beauty and talent of Bridget Bardot, and I do not support the style thievery of her modern predecessors.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


     If you're as confused as I was when I read this name here's an oversimplified explanation of a simple exclamation: "Glossary" is the name of the band; you are not, in fact, reading a review of the book "Glossary". Furthermore, I like this band so I added an exclamation mark to their name to show my supportive enthusiasm.

      "Glossary" recently released their album "Long Live all of Us"; it's a mix of pop and soft rock with soulful, positive lyrics.